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NB! This screening is free for people who have purchased an NFK-kontingent this semester
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
Based on the 1813 Jane Austen novel of the same name, Joe Wright’s Pride and Prejudice explores everything from class standing, to marriage, to the unique struggles of women living in regency era England, and does so with no lack of comedy, romance, nor wit.
The movie introduces us to the five young Bennet sisters, all raised to keep one goal in mind: Get married to a rich man who can provide for the family. The family’s prayers might just have been answered when the rich and handsome Mr. Bingley moves next door and charms their eldest daughter, Jane. However, all eyes quickly turn towards the strong-willed Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) as she gets to know Mr. Bingley’s…less agreeable friend, the equally wealthy Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen). As Elizabeth and Darcy reluctantly grow closer, they soon come to realize that their first impression of the other might not be as true as they once thought, and perhaps more importantly, that one shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover.
Joe Wrights Pride and Prejudice, basert på Jane Austen romanen med samme navn, utforsker alt fra ekteskap, til klasseskille, til kjønnsforskjeller i regency-era England, og gjør dette med både humor og romantikk.
Filmen introduserer oss til de fem unge Bennet søstrene, alle oppdratt til å ha ett mål her i livet: Gifte seg med en rik mann slik at de kan redde familien fra fattigdom. Livene deres blir fort snudd på hodet når den rike og kjekke Mr. Bingley flytter til nabolaget deres og når Elizabeth, Bennet-familiens viljefaste datter, møter den tilsynelatende uhøflige Mr. Darcy og lærer seg at man ikke alltid kan dømme boken etter omslaget.
Joe Wright
United Kingdom
127 min