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NB: This screening is free for customers who have bought an NFK-membership* this semester. To become an NFK-member, customers can buy an "NFK-kontingent" and finishing the registration in the theater.
"Epic Movie is an epic catastrophe, or an artistic failure of epic proportions, or even an Emetic Piece of Insufferable Crap" - John Patterson (In The Guardian)
Considered by many as «the worst film of all time», Epic Movie is an American parody movie, that follows two siblings that find themselves in Willy’s Chocolate Factory. The movie references a bunch of «Epic» movies like Narnia, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, X-men, Borat, Rocky, Star Wars, Lotr etc.
However, this immersive «Epic Movie silent film concert» will be an experience of a lifetime! With a group of professional amateurs, you will be taken on a musical journey like never before! Hopefully the musical experience will take you away from the horrible movie at play… and maybe even make the movie itself better (probably).
Jason Friesberg and Aaron Seltzer
85 min
* Norsk Filmklubbforbund